
Musical Theatre Class

Miss Lauren is loving teaching her new class on a Tuesday – 4:45pm to 5:45pm and judging by all of the laughter, songs and breaks for a quick drink, the students are having a wonderful time too! They are a very enthusiastic group of Reception to Year 6 students.

Summer 2021 Exam Results

Gold and Silver medals for all RAD ballet exams taken in Summer 2021 – congratulations to every one of our wonderful dedicated students!

From our youngest pupils age 5 for their Pre-Primary Class Awards, all the way to Advanced 2.

All 7 Intermediate Foundation and Intermediate exam candidates received silver medals.

Miss Beth (ballet teacher) and Miss Rachel (ballet assistant) also received silver medals for Advanced 2.

Special recognition to Bethan M for gold in Grade 6 and Elysia for gold in Grade 8.